Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ninjas don't need titles

          Yesterday I went boating with the Tylers.  We wanted to leave at 1:00 so Jessica Baum came to pick me up at 12:40.  I should have known that because I was coming along, that we would be doomed to be a few hours behind schedule.  So we got to the Tyler's house (I always want to refer to the as the Schroaths), but they weren't there yet.  They were at a baby shower.  Jbaum and I were confused as to why Jonathan would be at a baby shower, but who really knows with that kid sometimes.  They eventually got home at about 1:20.  We then were corrected because they were really at a baby blessing.  Ok, Jonathan got off the hook for that one.  We got everything ready to go and Jschro mentioned that we had to swing by Jonathan's mom's house to get some keys to a storage shed so we could get the wakeboard, tube, and skiis.  A seemingly simple task right?  Wrong!

          We get to her house and no one is home.  We tried calling her, but no answer.  We all really wanted to do more than just drive around on the boat so I suggested we look for an open window.  One of the windows in the basement was open.  Perfect, our point of entry.  What I did not mention was that it was about 18" by 18" and level with the ground.  Also, the screen was still in.  Luckily we had MacGyver with us (aka Jonathan) and between the two of us, my driver's license, and his keys, we were able to pop the screen out.  To make the situation more difficult, the window was right above the sink.  Jonathan had to lower me down feet first while I tried not to step on the dishes in the sink.  With his help, I got my footing and I was in!  My first real b and e!  For all of you who are not criminals or do not watch cop shows, that stands for breaking and entering.  Ok, so that probably wasn't the first time I have broken into a house before.

           Back to the story, I unlocked the front door and Jonathan came in.  Thank goodness he think is also trained in something, I don't know what, and he quickly found the keys hidden in the filing cabinet.  We set off to the storage unit to get the necessary boating items.  It took some time and wrong turns to locate the correct storage unit, but we made it.  I ate a really hard peach on the way.  Jschro, I am still grateful for you feeding me.
          We finally got to the lake at 3, minus the wakeboard which couldn't be found, and we started with tubing.  Garrett (Jessica Tyler's younger brother) went first because he is the youngest.  When he was done we realized how much air the tube had lost.  We thought that Christmas and boating was ruined.  But, Jschro has amazing lung capacity and she was able to inflate it enough for it to be usable.  Hooray!!  We had a great time boating and no one got too burned or seasick.  Overall, it was a great day!


  1. Katie what is up with the pictures being out of order, either way still super awesome! Love the comics.

  2. Except for JBaum, who did get seasick. But hopefully not sunburned.

    Jonathan really loved being in one of your comics. I think you made his day. :)

  3. As long as you weren't carrying poop around with you (ninjas used to do that, you know. So other people wouldn't know they were around. it was in that book you and L. gave Dan)

  4. Yeah, your pics are always out of order ... but it's like a fun puzzle that way! :)

    Groooossss, Mom.

  5. hmmm, they aren't out of order when I look at them. Are you reading them left to right, top to bottom? I would be curious to see what you are seeing. -katie
