Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Word was Born


        Ok, so this is not the most accurate telling of this story.  According to my sister Kim, she was cutting me a slice of zucchini bread and she had some difficulties.  The slice was nice and fat on top, but it got progressively thinner towards the bottom until it was only a sliver.  She handed the misshapen piece of bread to me and said, "Here's a crapslice."  I liked the word and the bread.  I continue to use the word wherever it is needed. 

         Our family is notorius for making up words.  One of my favorites was pumminitzy. (Disclaimer: I have no idea how to spell these words because we only say them and sadly they have not made it to the dictionary).  Anyway, pumminitzy.  Nick made up this little gem when he was little and to this day, we still don't have a clear idea of what it means.  Ask him.

          The next word is flooty.  Now this wonderful little word is actually functional.  It is defined as a piece of lint or some other unrecognizable thing on someone's clothing.  Let me use it in a sentence.  There is a flooty on your sweater.  Doesn't that perfectly describe that little unknown thing clinging to your clothes?  I thought this was a real word until I went to college and no one had any idea what I was talking about when I picked the flooty off of their clothes.  Try using this word sometime.  You might find that you enjoy it.

          I hate the words binky and pacie.  I am talking about what people call the pacifier they stick in their crying kid's mouth.  They are just so sissy.  Luckily, my dad served a mission to Finland and he was able to bring back their word to the states and introduce it to our family when I arrived.  We call it tootie.  That isn't nearly as dumb right?  Louis thinks we will use another word, but I will get to spend all day with the little kid.

          The next two words can be talked about together because they both basically mean the same thing.  Ningrit and DTAR.  A ningrit is someone that does something stupid.  I am not sure why we needed that word in our family because we rarely do anything dumb.  The other word is an acronym for "Dumber Than A Rock."  When Dan was little he ate a rock at least once.  We joked that he was dumber than a rock because even rocks don't eat rocks.  Thankfully, he grew out of this phase.

          Well, I hope this gave you some insight as to why my blog has a derivitive of the word crap in it.  I asked for other ideas on Facebook, but for some strange reason, everyone liked this name.  


  1. Now Dan is a STAR, "smarter than a rock."
    Of course, your artistic additions are awesome! I love the hand towel.

  2. I love the hand towel, too! Also, I love how you drew my hair. I always spelled it puminitz in my head.

  3. Hooray for you having a blog! I would love to see more comics. And comics of your dogs! Haha.

    Sometime I will make you say "pumminitzy" for me so I can hear how it sounds... Don't think I've ever heard you or any of your family say it.

  4. Nick came up with ningrit, too.

  5. Katie I love your humor and writing! Blogs are fun :)

  6. Katie, I love your blog and I'm commenting on this one because it's cracking me up. I can remember hearing DTAR, flooty (but in my head it was always flootie), and crapslice all the time in high school. Haha! The other day I called someone a "maynard" in my head and realized it was another Hamson word.
