Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If You Give A Mouse a Cookie

          This was one of my favorite book as a kid. I love the illustrations and that little mouse is just so cute!  I actually memorized the whole book and acted it out for a project in Mrs. Fearies 10th grade english class.  I think each of us can relate to the little mouse because we all like cookies and we all get distracted.  Ok, maybe not all of us, but certainly all of the Hamson's and Louis.
          Anyway, the other day I was actually doing the dishes and then I moved on to the counters and then swept as usual.  Well, I noticed some spots on the floor so I wiped those up. While I was doing that, I noticed that our cupboard was dirty.  Now you would think that I would go through and clean all of them.  You would be wrong.  I just did the one that I was looking at.  After scrubbing the one cupboard I noticed that the wall was a little dirty.  So naturally, I scrubbed the one wall.  That put me by the front door which, surprise, was dirty.  Why would a front door be so dirty you ask?  Well, with three dogs constantly jumping up on it when we ignore them outside, it gets dirty fast.  Thankfully, Louis installed a screen door and it is no longer a problem.  Back to the door.  I cleaned that and saw just how dirty our living room floor was.  Correction:  I saw how hairy the floor was.  I vacuumed.  After vacuuming we basically have four dogs because  of all the hair that I suck up.  Sorry, no pictures, you would be disgusted.  When I finished vacuuming I realized how long it had been since I dusted.  I stopped there and that was the end of my cleaning spree.  It was great while it lasted. 

          So, if you come to my house you could probably follow of line of cleanliness that meanders around the house.
Don't you just want to go and read the book now?

1 comment:

  1. I love "If You Give a Moose a Muffin," too. Love the vacuum pic!
