Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Blob

          This is almost an exact description of what happened. I was cooking meat for tacos and I didn't want to pour the grease into the sink where Louis was doing the dishes.  Yes, he was doing the dishes.  So I walked into the bathroom to pour it down that sink.  My whole life I have been rinsing off hamburger meat into the sink.  Louis warned me not to, but I didn't listen.  In fact I remember saying something exactly like what is in the comic.  Well, I proceeded to pour the fat down the drain and we enjoyed the tacos.  The next time we used the sink didn't go so well. It was really clogged.  We tried pouring boiling water down the drain, but it was useless.  
          We had to take the whole drain apart and clean it out.  I don't know if any of you have seen the movie The Blob, but it is what I thought about when we were trying to clean the drain.  It was disgusting!  Black slime was coating the inside of the pipes.  I was quite hesitant to put my fingers in them to clean them out.  I don't know how they get so dirty.  In most cases, it is just soap and water that go down the drain.  After cleaning out the pipes and putting them in boiling water, we discovered that the pipe that was connected to the wall was also full of slime and we couldn't figure out a good way to get that clean.  I suggested bringing the hose in the house and blasting it, but I think that would have ended badly and would have lead to another funny post for all of you.  We hoped that by putting the pipes back together, that it would be sufficiently clean to drain.

The handsome plumber.

         After Louis figured out how to reassemble the pipes we poured some more boiling water down the drain.  It was all to no avail.  To add insult to injury, we were now left with leaky pipes.  The whole endeavor was totally pointless and now we have to wait for our landlord try and remedy the problem. However, I did learn a few lessons: 
     1.  Do not pour grease down the bathroom sink.  It cannot handle it.
     2.  Sometimes your husband really does know what he is talking about.
     3.  I never want to be a plumber because they deal with disgusting stuff and they could be killed by the blob at any minute.


  1. I LOVE Louis' squiggly arms. And I always rinse the taco meat into the sink! Have you tried Drano?

  2. We loved Louis' squiggly arms, too. Dad hates it when I pour stuff like that down the kitchen drain, but I do it when he isn't looking. I just always follow it with a good long rinse with the hottest water from the tap.

  3. Um... you're crazy. Just pour it into an empty can or something.

    But we love your comics. They are the greatest. Especially Dakota (that was Dakota, right??)! And the captions.

    Jonathan says if you keep drawing awesome comics on your blog, you will be famous. A famous blogger. The end.

    <3, the Tylers.

    PS--Two posts in a row?!? You are already a better blogger than I am... :)

  4. I think it was because it was the bathroom sink. We don't want to buy draino and our landlord should be here on Tuesday. And, yes that was Dakota. Thanks for the support!
