Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Clearly I Missed My True Calling in Life

First: Louis hates it when companies change the first letter in a word to be the same as others in the name.   ex. Kozy Kabins, Krazy Kurls, Kooking with Katie, you know things like that.  I wanted to make fun of cooking shows as much as a could so I started with that.

Second: I think the only reason they put all of the ingredients into separate little bowls is to make the setting cuter and so it all matches.  Ok ok, they may be doing it to avoid product placement, but I seriously doubt that.  Clearly, they aren't doing the dishes afterwards or they would realize how stupid it is to create more work for themselves.

Third: They just try and be way to trendy.  Who cares what type of stylish plates you put the cookies on or if they match the theme of your house for that day???  I couldn't think of any ridiculous foody things to say, but that would fall under this third section.  It is food, we are not analyzing the next great american novel.

Fourth:  I don't think I have a fourth point so I will get on with the story that inspired this post.

A couple of weeks ago the Young Women decided to make dinner and dessert for a couple in our ward that had just had a baby.  I was in charge of making the cookie dough and frosting to bring so we could make a big cookie and then decorate it.  Bad idea.  I never bake.  The cookies never make it past the dough phase in my house.  I was just raised that way.  I made the cookies without too much trouble and began on the frosting.  Let me give you a little background on my mixer.  There is only one speed, not literally, and it is too fast and should never be used.  I have made so many messes because it just flings the food I am trying to mix all over the kitchen.  I thought I would outsmart it that day and I got one of our deeper bowls. Nope, it kicked my trash.  I put the still hard butter into the bowl with powdered sugar and turned it on to level one.  Powdered sugar explosion!! There are eight levels and I can't imagine what 8 looks like.  At this point I am getting a little frustrated, but I can handle it.  I will just use the KitchenAid.  I should have just used it in the first place.  I pour all of the sugar and butter in there and turn it on: to level 4.  Powdered sugar eruption number two.  At this point I can no longer hold it in and I yell in frustration. 

Disaster Zone

Louis was wise enough not to respond. :)  I wanted to punch another hole in our kitchen wall.  (We did not put the first hole in our wall; the previous tenant did that and used the movable cupboard to hide it.  We hide it with an Ansel Adams.  A bit more refined).  So, I am cursing everything and turned it down to a more reasonable speed.  I put the milk in, but I still managed to spill some onto the floor, which Summer cleaned up without asking.  What a helpful little dog.  She also helped me by licking up most of the sugar that made it to the floor.

Notice the sugar on the picture and the top of the plugs.

Well, eventually I made it to mutual and we baked the cookie and decorated it.  Let's just say I will not be doing my children's wedding cakes. 

It was supposed to say Congrats, but then the tip popped out and the green slug was born.  I think I almost peed my pants at this point I was laughing so hard.  The slug stayed and got some eyes and spots.  The tasted got great reviews, but I don't know if we are going to try and market the design.  But hey, our girls will remember this cookie forever!